Will County Historical Research & Recovery Association participated in two exclusive invitational hunts in 2018. The pictures are shown here as a courtesy to all of the detectorists out there.
Below are pictures taken by various club members at what is one of the most interesting club hunts Will County Historical Research and Recovery Association has ever participated in. One of our members, Jan Nahorski, who works for the City of Joliet as the Graffiti Abatement Officer was tasked with removing over a decade’s worth of graffiti from the Collins Street prison, also referred to as the Old Joliet Prison located on Historic Route 66. For you movie buffs, watch the “Blues Brothers”, the prison “Sally Port” is where the Jake and Elroy reunite. Jan talked with the museum people and with their permission and our promise to turn over any prison related artifacts WCHRRA club members went to prison for the day. Then we were invited back for a second hunt in November.
The most interesting development that came about from this hunt, is our member, Ron Offerman, wrote an article about the hunt which was published in the Western & Eastern Treasures Magazine November 2018 edition.
The pictures below are combined from the two hunts. We are working on a new photo gallery and will add it at a later date.
MAY 2018
November 2018 Hunt