DSC01999General information on becoming a member of Will County Historical Research and Recovery Association.

Membership in Will County Historical Research and Recovery Association is open to anyone regardless of nationality, race, sex, creed or religious beliefs, who has an interest in metal detecting, relics or treasure hunting and agrees to abide by the club by-laws and the FMDAC Code of Ethics.

People considering joining may attend two meetings before joining. Membership is on an annual basis, renewable in January of each year. There are two levels of memberships:
Active Member…$25.00 per year. Any person 18 years of age or older on January 1.
Family Membership … $30 per year. This membership includes the spouse, significant other (18 years of age or older on January 1) and children under 17. A family member 17 or younger will be considered a young detctorist.  Adult family members may participate in voting (if present during meetings) in club matters, and are eligible for club sponsored hunts.


Please print the form and bring to the next meeting. Meetings are the 4th Tuesday of the month at the American Legion Hall, on Ingalls St in Joliet Il.